Healthy and well-groomed skin for men too!

Healthy and well-groomed skin for men too!

Times are changing: skin care has no gender anymore. Paying close attention to the skin is not the privilege of women only, as more and more men are following a skincare regimen helped by the right products for their skin.

Men's skin also needs well-thought-out facial care suited to their skin type and skin problems, which goes beyond just post-shave moisturizing.

How should I start? 

First, you need to precisely understand your skin type and skin issues. If you need any help in determining your skin type or just have a question that needs to be answered, feel free to visit one of our beauticians or ask for their advice on our chatline!

Once you know your skin's needs, you need to find the right products and introduce regular, routine skincare into your daily life.

Skincare specifically for men? 

Men's skin is different from women's in many ways, for example: thicker skin, beard growth, different structure, and hormonal differences, but the basic problems for both genders are the same. Treating acne, reducing inflammation, reducing wrinkles, moisturizing, lightening pigment spots, and managing oily skin can be issues for everyone, so apart from cosmetics specifically for men, products targeting specific skin problems provide solutions regardless of gender.

Here are some products that can help you in skincare!


For Shaving: Black cleansing concentrate 50 ml, Black cleansing concentrate 100 ml, Mint & Lemon Balm peeling 50 ml, Soothing Balm 100 ml, Yarrow gel cream 50 ml

For General Hydration: Apple & Lemon toner 100 ml, Spirulina Powder Mask 6 g, Apple & Lemon booster with C-vitamin 10% 30 ml, Yarrow gel cream 50 ml, Hyaluron & Peptide eye cream 15 ml

For Sensitive Skin: Rosehip toner 100 ml, Rosehip toner 250 ml, Soothing Balm 100 ml, Probiotic serum 30 ml, Yarrow gel cream 50 ml

For Inflamed, Acne-Prone Skin: Black cleansing concentrate 50 ml, Black cleansing concentrate 100 ml, Rosehip serum 30 ml, Mattifying concealer gel cream 50 ml, Ichtyolic concealer 12 ml

For Daily Use: Scalp Reviving serum 100 ml, Ichtyolic concealer 12 ml, Helianthus hand and foot cream 50 ml, Natural deodorant 50 ml, Helianthus Body Lotion 200 ml


Apple & Lemon cleanser / Rosehip toner / Yarrow gel cream

Pump a dose of Apple & Lemon cleanser onto a moistened cotton ball and wipe the face with it, then repeat the routine using the Rosehip toner, this time on a dry cotton ball. Both provide an excellent regulation of the sebaceous gland production typically increased in men. Next, spread a pea-size dose of the Yarrow gel cream on your skin using a slightly wet hand.  This gel cream works effectively against water deficiency and deeper wrinkles, and its skin-softening effect provides a satisfying feeling.

Apple & Lemon cleanser / Rosehip toner / Black cleansing concentrate 100 ml / Mint & Lemon Balm peeling / Ichtyolic concealer / Soothing Balm / Yarrow gel cream

Start your evening routine in a similar manner: pump a dose of Apple & Lemon cleanser onto a moistened cotton ball and wipe the face with it, then repeat the routine using the Rosehip toner, this time on a dry cotton ball. Once or twice a week use Black cleansing concentrate for cleansing: lather it with wet hands, use it to wash your face, then rinse with plenty of water. Use the Mint & Lemon Balm peeling as a nourishing wrap for the 15-20 minutes it needs to work, then simply wash it off. If you are struggling with acne, apply Ichtyolic concealer to the problematic areas to reduce inflammation during the night. Use Soothing Balm for a summertime hydration, and the Yarrow gel cream during autumn and winter - they can both delay the signs of skin aging.

Mint & Lemon Balm peeling / Seven Herb treatment / Yarrow gel cream

You can do a lot to avoid skin problems and premature aging if you decide to spend a little more time on yourself and your skin, at least once a week. Start your weekly routine with exfoliation to help detach dead epithelial cells, then apply a thin layer of Mint & Lemon Balm peeling on your skin and remove it with rubbing movements when it has dried up (make sure to wipe off the residues with a damp cloth.) Next, time to put up a wrap! If you are unsure about the product to be used, our beauticians will gladly help you choose the right one for your skin type. If you decide to use the Seven Herb treatment as a wrap, your skin needs 10-15 minutes to absorb the valuable active ingredients. If it feels dry, wash it off with a cloth or rinse it off while taking a shower. End this routine with the Yarrow gel cream to hydrate your skin. 

Black cleansing concentrate / Ichtyolic concealer / Soothing Balm

Shaving is a recurring source of irritation and inflammation, and using Black cleansing concentrate offers an excellent solution in avoiding that. Pump a dose of it and apply it to the desired area using your hands or a cotton ball. Please be prepared that due to its natural ingredients, this cleansing concentrate won’t be as foamy as a regular shaving foam. After you shave and rinse off the residue, feel free to treat the more sensitive parts with Ichtyolic concealer. This prevents redness, inflammation and soothes your skin if you accidentally cut yourself. Finally, apply some Soothing Balm on the shaved area or the whole face.

How to care for your skin at home easily?

Men’s skin is basically characterized by a thicker epidermis and therefore requires a different kind of care at any age. In men’s case, the sebaceous gland production works on an increased level, so men’s wrinkles take longer to appear, and skin elasticity lasts longer. On the other side, the thicker epidermis means the skin can break deeper as men age. So maintaining the skin with regular hydration, and also focusing on the regulation of inflammatory processes and excessive sebaceous gland production is recommended from a younger age. Morning and evening facial routines are also essential, as the cleansing and toning products not only remove impurities but also moisturize the skin, restore its pH plus they have a calming and anti-inflammatory functions.

A once a week exfoliation is needed to remove dead epithelial cells and improve skin respiration. Use the wrap that suits your skin type and it will give you exactly what your skin needs: hydration, nourishment and inflammation reduction. For men, Black cleansing concentrate is recommended as a key player in general skin care and not only that. When used for shaving, it can help avoid skin irritation, but its abrasive effect works as a charm against ingrown hair.

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